July 24, 2023

How Product Demo Helps Customer Teams

How Product Demo Helps Customer Teams

In a competitive business environment, it is crucial for companies to effectively communicate the value and benefits of their products or services to their customers. One powerful tool in achieving this goal is the product demo. A product demo is a live or recorded presentation that showcases the features, functionality, and benefits of a product or service to potential customers. This article will explore the importance of product demos in helping customer teams make informed decisions and how they contribute to overall business success.


Product demonstrations play a crucial role in helping customer teams understand the features and benefits of a product. These demos provide a hands-on experience that allows potential customers to explore a product’s capabilities and functionality before purchasing. By offering a guided tour through the product’s key features, a product demo can help customer teams evaluate whether the product aligns with their needs and goals.

This article will explore how product demos can assist customer teams in decision-making. We will highlight their advantages, discuss how they contribute to a better understanding of the product, and delve into the benefits that customer teams can gain from engaging in these demonstrations.

Exploring Features and Functionality

One of the primary purposes of a product demo is to provide customer teams with a comprehensive overview of the product’s features and functionality. This hands-on experience allows team members to interact with the product in real-time, exploring different available modules, tools, and options. By actively engaging with the product, customer teams can better understand how it works and assess its potential to address their needs.

Assessing Fit with Needs and Goals

Every customer team has unique needs and goals for finding the right product for their organization. A product demo provides an excellent opportunity for customer teams to assess whether the product meets their specific requirements. By taking a closer look at the product’s capabilities, customer teams can evaluate its potential to meet their needs, achieve their goals, and integrate seamlessly with their existing infrastructure.

Clarifying Queries and Concerns

During a product demo, customer teams can ask questions and seek clarification on concerns. This interactive session lets them better understand the product and its functionalities while addressing doubts or reservations. Clearing up these queries can help customer teams make informed decisions and ensure they choose a product that best fits their organization.

Building Relationships and Collaboration

A product demo is a platform for showcasing a product and an opportunity for building relationships and fostering collaboration between the customer team and the product provider. By engaging in meaningful dialogue during the demo, the customer team can establish rapport with the provider, better understand their values and commitment to customer satisfaction, and evaluate the potential for a productive partnership. This relationship-building aspect is crucial, as it can contribute to long-term customer satisfaction and successful product implementation.

Making Informed Investment Decisions

Investing in a new product is a significant decision for any organization. Customer teams must be confident that their chosen product will provide value for their investment. Product demos facilitate a better understanding of the product’s capabilities, helping customer teams to make more informed investment decisions. By witnessing the product in action and evaluating its performance against its needs and goals, customer teams can mitigate the risks associated with investment and ensure a higher likelihood of success.

In conclusion, product demos are vital in assisting customer teams throughout their decision-making process. By offering an interactive experience, they enable customer teams to explore product features, evaluate fit with their needs and goals, address queries and concerns, build relationships, and make informed investment decisions. Engaging in product demos can significantly enhance the effectiveness of customer teams in selecting the best product for their organization’s requirements.

Read: Why Product Walkthroughs are Important for SaaS (Guide)

The Importance of Product Demos

Product demos are crucial in the customer team’s journey toward making informed purchasing decisions. They allow customers to see the product in action, understand its features and benefits, and evaluate its suitability for their needs. Here are several reasons why product demos are essential for customer teams:

Provides a firsthand experience

One of the primary benefits of product demos is that they allow customers to experience the product firsthand. Instead of relying solely on written descriptions or testimonials, customers can see how the product works and explore its functionality in real-time. This immersive experience enables them to assess whether the product aligns with their requirements and determine its ease of use.

Helps in understanding product capabilities

Product demos offer a comprehensive view of the capabilities and features of a product. Through these demonstrations, customer teams can learn about all the product functionalities and how they can be leveraged to meet their specific goals. Seeing the product in action not only enhances their understanding but also guides them in exploring its potential for addressing their pain points.

Supports informed decision-making

Making a purchasing decision without a clear understanding of the product can be risky. Product demos provide customers with the necessary information to make informed decisions. By visually showcasing the product’s value proposition, a demo ensures that customer teams have all the details required to evaluate whether the product is a good fit for their organization. This eliminates any guesswork and minimizes the chances of making a wrong investment.

Engages and educates customer teams

Product demos serve as a valuable educational tool for customer teams. They offer an interactive environment where questions can be raised and doubts can be addressed. This engagement helps customer teams better understand the product and its various features. Moreover, interactive demos allow sellers to highlight the product’s unique selling points, thus making the learning process more memorable and impactful.

Facilitates effective collaboration

Product demos can be a collaborative exercise between the customer team and the product seller. They provide a platform for open communication and discussions, allowing both parties to collaborate to achieve mutual understanding. This collaboration ensures that customer teams can articulate their requirements clearly, while the product seller can showcase how the product can meet those needs. As a result, product demos foster a sense of partnership and trust between the customer team and the seller.

Helps in overcoming objections

During the product demo, customer teams may raise objections or have concerns that must be addressed. By experiencing the product firsthand, these objections can be resolved effectively. Product demos allow sellers to demonstrate how the product can overcome the customer’s specific challenges and provide solutions to their pain points. By addressing objections in real-time, demos help customer teams gain confidence in the product and alleviate doubts.

Demonstrates product differentiators

In a competitive marketplace, customer teams must understand what differentiates a product. Product demos allow sellers to showcase the unique features and capabilities that differentiate their products. By visually illustrating the product’s strengths, demos help customer teams evaluate its competitive advantage and make an informed comparison with alternative solutions.

In summary, product demos are an invaluable tool for customer teams. They provide a firsthand product experience, help understand its capabilities, support informed decision-making, engage and educate customer teams, facilitate collaboration, overcome objections, and demonstrate product differentiators. By investing in product demos, customer teams can make well-informed purchasing decisions and ensure the product meets their specific requirements.

For customer teams seeking to deliver engaging and informative demos, utilizing an interactive product demo software like Folio is a game-changer. With Folio, you can create dynamic and visually appealing demos that cater to various customer needs and showcase the value of your product. Discover how Folio can empower your customer teams to deliver outstanding product demos by visiting

Understanding Customer Needs

Understanding customer needs is crucial to providing a satisfactory product or service. Companies can tailor their offerings to meet and exceed expectations by gaining insights into customers’ requirements and desires. Conducting thorough research and analysis of customer needs allows businesses to develop products and solutions that address specific pain points and provide optimal value.

Conducting Market Research

Market research is an essential tool for businesses to delve into the minds of their target customers. Companies can gather information on customer preferences, challenges, and expectations through various methods such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups. This data provides valuable insights into customers’ needs and helps shape product development strategies.

Market research aims to deeply understand customer needs, uncover unmet needs, and identify key features that customers prioritize. This knowledge allows businesses to create products that align with customer expectations and provide value.

Using Customer Feedback

Gathering feedback from customers is another effective way to understand their needs. Through avenues like customer reviews, feedback surveys, and support interactions, companies gain valuable insights into customer experiences, pain points, and suggestions for improvement.

Analyzing and acting upon customer feedback can significantly enhance product offerings. It allows companies to spot patterns, identify common concerns, and make informed decisions on addressing them. This customer-centric approach demonstrates a company’s commitment to meeting customer needs and fosters loyalty and trust.

Developing Buyer Personas

Creating buyer personas is a powerful technique for understanding customer needs in a more targeted and personalized manner. Buyer personas are fictional representations of ideal customers based on market research and real customer data. They clearly show different customer segments’ unique characteristics, behaviors, motivations, and pain points.

By developing buyer personas, companies can empathize with their customers, anticipate their requirements, and customize product demonstrations accordingly. These detailed profiles help businesses design products that cater to the needs and preferences of different customer segments, driving customer satisfaction and improving overall sales effectiveness.

Utilizing Product Demos

Product demonstrations play a crucial role in understanding and addressing customer needs. Demonstrations allow customers to see firsthand how a product functions and how it can meet their requirements. They provide an opportunity for companies to showcase the benefits and features of their offerings and, more importantly, to receive feedback and gather valuable insights from customers.

Effective product demos involve active customer engagement, allowing them to interact with the product and ask questions. This hands-on experience enables companies to better understand customer needs, identify pain points, and address concerns. It also allows companies to highlight features and capabilities that may not be immediately apparent, thus maximizing the product’s perceived value.

Through product demos, companies can establish a direct line of communication with customers, uncover their expectations, and customize their offerings accordingly. This comprehensive understanding of customer needs enables businesses to tailor their messaging, sales strategies, and product development efforts to create solutions that truly resonate with customers.

In conclusion, understanding customer needs is paramount for businesses to succeed in today’s competitive market. Companies can gain valuable insights into customer pain points and expectations by conducting market research, gathering customer feedback, developing buyer personas, and utilizing product demos. This knowledge allows businesses to develop products and solutions that exceed customer expectations and drive long-term success.

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Showcasing Features and Functionality

Product demos are an effective way for customer teams to fully understand the features and functionality of a product. During a demo, key features and capabilities are showcased, allowing customers to see the product and understand how it can meet their needs. This section will explore why showcasing features and functionality is crucial during a product demo.

Understanding the Product

One of the main purposes of a product demo is to help customer teams gain a thorough understanding of the product. By showcasing the various features and functionalities, the demo allows customers to see how the product works and how it can benefit their organization. This understanding is crucial for making informed decisions and determining if the product aligns with their needs and goals.

Highlighting Unique Selling Points

The customer team can see the product’s unique selling points during a demo. The demo showcases the features and functionalities that set the product apart from competitors. It highlights the innovative aspects and demonstrates how the product can solve specific pain points or offer added value to the customer. By emphasizing these unique selling points, the demo helps customer teams make comparisons and evaluate the product against alternatives in the market.

Addressing Customer Pain Points

The demo allows the product team to address customer pain points directly by showcasing how the product can solve these challenges. By demonstrating how specific features and functionalities can address their pain points, customer teams can better understand how the product can improve workflows, increase efficiency, or overcome existing obstacles. This focused approach helps build confidence and trust in the product’s ability to meet its specific needs.

Exploring Use Cases

Another crucial aspect of showcasing features and functionality during a product demo is exploring different use cases. The demo allows the product team to present real-world scenarios where the product can be applied. By demonstrating how the product can be used effectively in different situations, customer teams can visualize its potential value and adaptability within their organization. This exploration of use cases allows customers to fully grasp the versatility and applicability of the product.

Gathering Feedback and Addressing Questions

Product demos also serve as a platform for gathering feedback and addressing any questions or concerns from the customer teams. By showcasing the features and functionalities, the product team opens the floor for discussion, encouraging customers to provide insights and ask relevant questions. This interaction not only helps in clarifying any doubts but also strengthens the relationship between the customer and the product team.

Assisting in Decision-Making

Ultimately, showcasing features and functionality during a product demo is crucial in assisting customer teams in decision-making. The demo helps customers evaluate its relevance and suitability for their organization by providing a comprehensive overview of what the product offers. It provides the necessary information to make an informed decision, balancing the features and functionalities with their specific requirements and priorities.

In conclusion, showcasing features and functionality during a product demo is essential for customer teams to comprehensively understand the product. It helps highlight the unique selling points, address customer pain points, explore use cases, gather feedback, and assist in decision-making. By showcasing the value and capabilities of the product, demos empower customer teams to make well-informed choices that align with their goals and requirements.

Customer teams often face the challenge of efficiently explaining product features and functionalities to clients. This is where product demos shine. By utilizing a product demo tool like Folio, customer teams can create interactive and guided demos that walk clients through the product's capabilities. Folio's user-friendly interface and customization options enable customer teams to tailor each demo to meet specific client needs, fostering better understanding and engagement.

Building Customer Confidence

Building customer confidence is a crucial aspect of any successful business. When customers feel confident in a product, they are more likely to purchase and become repeat buyers. Product demos play a significant role in helping customer teams build that confidence by showcasing the product’s features, functionality, and benefits in action.

Providing a Clear Understanding

One of the primary goals of a product demo is to provide customers with a clear understanding of how the product works and what it can do for them. Customer teams can communicate their value proposition effectively by demonstrating the product’s key features and functionalities. This understanding helps customers decide whether the product meets their needs and expectations.

A well-executed product demo can also address any potential concerns or objections that customers may have. Customer confidence is strengthened by addressing these concerns upfront and showing how the product solves their problems. This allows customers to see the potential impact the product can have on their business or personal life, further convincing them of its value.

Showcasing Real-world Examples

Another significant benefit of product demos is the ability to showcase real-world product examples in action. This allows customers to visualize how the product can be implemented and how it can benefit their specific use case.

Customer teams can provide case studies, testimonials, or personalized demonstrations highlighting how the product has helped other customers. By sharing success stories, customer teams can instill confidence in prospective customers, showing that the product has delivered tangible results for others in similar situations.

Addressing Concerns and Objections

During a product demo, customer teams have the opportunity to address any concerns or objections that customers may have. This direct interaction helps build trust and confidence in the product, as customers can get clarification and reassurance on any doubts.

By empathetically addressing these concerns, customer teams can demonstrate that they value the customer’s perspective and are committed to finding solutions that meet their needs. This level of engagement and support can go a long way in building customer confidence, as it shows a willingness to listen and adapt to their specific requirements.

Demonstrating Expertise and Knowledge

A well-prepared and executed product demo also showcases the expertise and knowledge of the customer team. When customer teams can effectively articulate the product’s value proposition, answer questions fluently, and provide in-depth insights, it enhances their credibility and builds trust.

Customers are more likely to have confidence in a product when they can see that the customer team understands their challenges and can provide meaningful solutions. A knowledgeable and confident customer team helps customers feel assured that they are in capable hands and can rely on their expertise throughout their customer journey.

Building Long-term Relationships

Finally, product demos are crucial in building long-term customer relationships. When customers have confidence in a product and the team behind it, they are more likely to continue their relationship after the initial purchase.

By focusing on the customer’s needs and providing an exceptional demo experience, customer teams can lay the foundation for a solid customer relationship. This includes ongoing support, product updates, and additional training opportunities to ensure customers continue to derive value from the product over time.

In conclusion, product demos are a vital tool in building customer confidence. By providing a clear understanding, showcasing real-world examples, addressing concerns and objections, demonstrating expertise and knowledge, and focusing on building long-term relationships, customer teams can help instill confidence in prospective customers. Businesses can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and drive growth by investing time and effort into effective product demos.

Addressing Common Concerns

Regarding product demos, customer teams often have some common concerns. These concerns can range from the potential for technical difficulties to the fear of investing time and resources into a product that may not meet their needs. Companies need to address these concerns proactively and provide reassurance to their customers. This section will discuss some common concerns that customer teams may have and how to address them effectively.

Technical difficulties

One of the most common concerns that customer teams may have about product demos is the potential for technical difficulties. These concerns often stem from previous experiences where the product demo did not go smoothly, or technical issues disrupted the presentation. Companies can address this concern by taking several proactive steps.

  • Test the technology beforehand: It is crucial to thoroughly test the technology used for the product demo. This includes testing the software, hardware, and internet connection to ensure everything works properly. By conducting thorough testing beforehand, companies can minimize the chances of technical difficulties during the actual demo.
  • Provide a backup plan: Technical issues can still occur despite careful preparation. To address this concern, companies should have a backup plan in place. This could involve having a backup device or software ready to use or having a tech support team on standby to quickly resolve any issues.
  • Offer a pre-demo run-through: To ease any anxieties related to technical difficulties; companies can offer a pre-demo run-through with the customer team. This allows the customer team to familiarize themselves with the technology and address any potential issues in advance.

By addressing technical difficulties proactively, companies can instill confidence in their customer teams and ensure a smooth and seamless product demo experience.

Time commitment

Another common concern for customer teams is the time commitment required for a product demo. Customer teams are often busy and may be hesitant to invest a significant amount of time in a demo if they are unsure about the product’s suitability for their needs. To address this concern, companies can take the following steps:

  • Be respectful of the customer team’s time: Companies need to respect the time constraints of their customers. They should keep the product demo concise and focused, avoiding unnecessary details or lengthy presentations. By demonstrating that they value the customer’s time, companies can alleviate concerns about the time commitment involved in the demo.
  • Tailor the demo to the customer’s needs: To make the demo more relevant and engaging for the customer team, companies should tailor the presentation to address their specific needs and pain points. By focusing on the product’s most relevant aspects to the customer, companies can make the demo more efficient and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.
  • Offer flexibility in scheduling: To accommodate busy customer teams, companies should offer flexibility in scheduling product demos. This could involve providing options for different time slots or even offering recorded demos that can be viewed at the customer team’s convenience. By offering flexibility, companies can address concerns about the time commitment and make it easier for customer teams to participate in the demo.

By addressing concerns related to time commitment, companies can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and ensure that the product demo is a valuable and efficient use of the customer team’s time.

Product fit

One of the most significant concerns for customer teams is whether the product will meet their needs and deliver the expected value. This concern is understandable, as investing in a new product involves time, resources, and potentially significant changes to established workflows. To address this concern effectively, companies can take the following steps:

  • Understand the customer’s requirements: Before the product demo, companies must thoroughly understand the customer’s requirements and pain points. By conducting research and engaging in pre-demo discussions, companies can ensure that the demo is tailored to address the specific needs of the customer team.
  • Highlight relevant features and benefits: During the product demo, it is essential to highlight the features and benefits of the product that are most relevant to the customer’s needs. Companies can demonstrate their suitability and value by focusing on how the product can solve its pain points and improve its workflows.
  • Provide testimonials and case studies: Companies can provide testimonials and case studies from existing customers who have succeeded with the product to further address concerns about product fit. This social proof can help alleviate doubts and reassure the customer team.

By addressing concerns related to product fit, companies can build trust with their customer teams and increase the likelihood of a successful product demo that leads to a satisfied and loyal customer.

The next section will discuss some best practices for conducting an effective product demo that maximizes its impact and effectiveness.

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Highlighting Unique Selling Points

A product demo is a powerful tool that allows customer teams to showcase the unique selling points of their product or service. By highlighting these unique features and benefits, customer teams can effectively differentiate themselves from their competitors and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Showcasing key features

One of the primary objectives of a product demo is to showcase the key features of a product or service. This allows customer teams to highlight what sets their offering apart from others in the market. By demonstrating how their product addresses specific pain points and provides unique solutions, customer teams can effectively communicate the value proposition to potential customers.

During the demo, customer teams can highlight the features that make their product innovative, user-friendly, or more advanced than similar offerings. Whether it’s cutting-edge technology, a unique design, or a distinctive functionality, product demos can effectively highlight these key features and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Addressing customer pain points

Product demos provide a platform for customer teams to address the pain points faced by potential customers and showcase how their products can provide solutions. By understanding the needs and challenges of their target audience, customer teams can tailor their demo to highlight the specific pain points that their product addresses.

By effectively addressing these pain points during the demo, customer teams can show potential customers that they understand their challenges and have the right solutions. This helps to build trust and credibility, making it more likely for potential customers to choose their product over competitors.

Demonstrating benefits and value

Another key aspect of a product demo is demonstrating the benefits and value potential customers can gain from using the product or service. By showcasing real-world examples, case studies, or testimonials, customer teams can effectively illustrate the positive impact that their offering has had on other clients.

By highlighting the benefits and value, customer teams can show potential customers the return on investment and help them understand how their product can positively impact their business or life. Product demos can effectively demonstrate the tangible benefits of choosing their product: increased productivity, cost savings, improved efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction.

Interactive and engaging experience

Product demos provide an interactive and engaging experience for potential customers. Unlike static marketing materials or written descriptions, demos allow customers to see the product in action and experience its features and capabilities firsthand.

By engaging potential customers in an interactive demo, customer teams can capture their interest and create a memorable experience. This helps keep the potential customers engaged throughout the demo and increases the chances of retaining key information about the product.

Building relationships and trust

Product demos allow customer teams to build relationships and trust with potential customers. By providing a personalized and tailored demo experience, customer teams can show clients that they value their needs and are committed to helping them achieve their goals.

Customer teams can further build trust and credibility by addressing any concerns or questions that potential customers may have during the demo. Additionally, by providing ongoing support and follow-up after the demo, customer teams can continue to nurture the relationship with potential customers and increase the likelihood of conversion.

In conclusion, product demos are a valuable tool for customer teams to highlight the unique selling points of their product or service. By showcasing key features, addressing customer pain points, demonstrating benefits, providing an interactive experience, and building relationships and trust, customer teams can effectively differentiate themselves from their competition and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Facilitating Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process is a crucial aspect of any customer team’s journey. It involves gathering information, evaluating options, and choosing a product or service that best meets their needs. However, this process can often be complex and challenging, especially when dealing with numerous options and stakeholders.

This is where product demos play a significant role in facilitating the decision-making process for customer teams. A product demo is a powerful tool that allows potential customers to see firsthand how a product or service functions and how it can benefit their organization. It provides a tangible and interactive experience that can help them understand the features and capabilities of the product and make an informed decision.

Here are some ways in which product demos help customer teams navigate the decision-making process:

Clear Understanding of Product Features

One of the primary benefits of a product demo is that it provides a clear understanding of the product features. It allows customer teams to explore the functionalities and capabilities of the product in a hands-on manner. By witnessing the product in action, they can better grasp how it aligns with their needs and requirements. This clarity enables the team to evaluate whether the product can effectively meet its goals and objectives.

Visualizing Product Value

Product demos go beyond just describing the features; they allow customer teams to visualize the product’s value. Through interactive demonstrations, potential customers can witness how the product solves their pain points, streamlines processes, or enhances productivity. This visual representation helps customer teams assess the potential impact the product can have on their organization, making it easier for them to justify the investment and gain buy-in from stakeholders.

Engaging Stakeholders

In most decision-making processes, multiple stakeholders are involved, each with their perspectives and priorities. Product demos serve as powerful tools to engage stakeholders and align their interests. By showcasing the product’s capabilities and benefits, demos can create a shared understanding among stakeholders, facilitating buy-in and consensus-building. This collaborative approach helps customer teams navigate potential conflicts and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Identifying Key Differentiators

In a competitive market, customer teams often have multiple options. Product demos are crucial in helping them identify each product’s key differentiators and unique selling points. Customer teams can compare various solutions to determine which product offers the most value and meets their specific requirements. Demos shed light on differentiation factors such as ease of use, scalability, customer support, and integration capabilities.

Addressing Concerns and Objections

During decision-making, customer teams may have concerns or objections regarding a product or service. Product demos provide an opportunity to address these issues and alleviate any doubts. Whether it’s about the product’s security, reliability, or implementation process, demos enable customer teams to seek clarification directly from the product experts. This proactive approach helps build trust and strengthen the relationship between the customer team and the vendor.

Streamlining the Evaluation Process

The decision-making process can sometimes be lengthy and convoluted, with multiple rounds of meetings, documentation, and evaluations. Product demos streamline this process by providing a comprehensive overview of the product’s features and functionalities in a shorter timeframe. By condensing the information into a single demo session, customer teams can save time and effort, enabling them to move forward in the decision-making process more efficiently.

In essence, product demos serve as valuable tools that facilitate the decision-making process for customer teams. They clearly understand the product features, visualize its value, engage stakeholders, identify key differentiators, address concerns, and streamline the evaluation process. By leveraging product demos effectively, customer teams can make informed decisions, maximize the value of their investment, and achieve their desired outcomes.

Encouraging Collaboration and Feedback

An effective product demo is not just a one-way presentation from the vendor to the customer team. It is a collaborative process that fosters open communication and encourages feedback. By creating an environment of collaboration, customer teams can actively engage with the product and provide valuable insights that ultimately help shape its development and success.

Open Communication Channels

One of the key aspects of encouraging collaboration is establishing open communication channels between the vendor and the customer team. This can be achieved by providing multiple channels for interaction, such as emails, phone calls, messaging apps, or even dedicated collaboration platforms. By offering these channels, both parties can easily communicate, ask questions, and share their thoughts and concerns throughout the product demo process.

Interactive Demonstrations

A product demo should be interactive, allowing the customer team to actively engage with the product. Instead of a passive demonstration, the vendor should allow the customer team to explore the product’s features and functionalities. This hands-on approach enables the customer team to better understand the product’s capabilities and identify areas where it aligns with their specific needs or falls short.

Encouraging Questions and Discussion

Creating an environment encouraging questions and discussion is vital for productive collaboration during a product demo. The vendor should actively invite questions and provide clear explanations to help the customer team fully comprehend the product’s features and benefits. Additionally, open discussions allow for the exchange of ideas and potential use cases and address any concerns or challenges that may arise.

Soliciting Feedback

Feedback from the customer team is a valuable resource that can greatly enhance the product’s development and future iterations. Vendors should actively solicit feedback from the customer team throughout the demonstration process. This can be done through surveys, polls, or regular check-ins to gather insights on what is working well, what needs improvement, and any additional features or functionalities the customer team may require.

Iterative Approach

Embracing an iterative approach to product development is fundamental to encouraging collaboration and feedback. Rather than presenting a final, polished product, vendors can showcase works in progress or prototypes during the product demo. This allows the customer team to provide feedback on specific features or aspects that may still be under development, ensuring their needs and requirements are met.

Documentation and Follow-up

To ensure that the collaboration and feedback are not lost or forgotten, it is crucial to document the discussions and decisions made during the product demo. Vendors should provide detailed summaries and action points to the customer team, highlighting any agreed-upon changes, timelines, or next steps. This documentation is a reference point for future collaboration and ensures that the feedback and suggestions are properly addressed.

In summary, encouraging collaboration and feedback during a product demo is essential in creating a successful partnership between the vendor and the customer team. By establishing open communication channels, facilitating interactive demonstrations, encouraging questions and discussion, soliciting feedback, embracing an iterative approach, and documenting the outcomes, both parties can work together to develop a product that meets the customer team’s needs and exceeds their expectations.

Demonstrating Value Proposition

A product demo is a powerful tool that allows customer teams to effectively demonstrate and showcase the value proposition of their product or service to potential customers. By providing a hands-on experience and showcasing the key features and benefits, a product demo helps customer teams make a strong case for why their offering is unique and valuable.

Increasing Understanding

One of the primary benefits of a product demo is its ability to increase understanding among potential customers. A well-executed demo can help customers grasp a product’s core concepts and functionalities, addressing any confusion or uncertainty. Customer teams can effectively communicate the value proposition and unique selling points to their target audience by visually illustrating how the product works and highlighting its main advantages.

Addressing Pain Points

Another valuable aspect of a product demo is its ability to address specific pain points that potential customers may face. By tailoring the demo to highlight how the product can solve real-world challenges, customer teams can show prospects how their offering can significantly impact their business or personal lives. This targeted approach helps create a strong connection between the potential customer’s needs and the value that the product can deliver.

Building Trust and Credibility

Product demos showcase a product’s features and capabilities and build trust and credibility with potential customers. Customer teams can prove that their product delivers on its promises by providing a live demonstration. This hands-on experience allows potential customers to see how the product works, its ease of use, and its potential impact on their lives or business. When done well, a product demo effectively removes doubts and significantly increases the likelihood of conversion.

Engaging and Persuasive

Product demos have the advantage of being highly engaging and persuasive. Instead of relying on written descriptions or static images, demos bring the product to life and allow potential customers to truly experience its value. This creates a more immersive and memorable experience, increasing the chances that the product will stick in the minds of potential customers. Customer teams can deliver a persuasive demo that leaves a lasting impression by combining captivating visuals, compelling storytelling, and interactive elements.

Tailoring to Target Audience

One of the keys to a successful product demo is tailoring it to the target audience’s specific needs, preferences, and priorities. Customer teams should conduct thorough research to fully understand potential customer’s pain points and challenges. Customer teams can customize the demo to address these specific concerns to show how their product is uniquely positioned to meet their needs. This personalized approach enhances the value proposition and helps customers connect with the solution on a deeper level.

In summary, a product demo is a vital tool for customer teams to effectively demonstrate the value proposition of their product or service. Customer teams can showcase their offerings compellingly and persuasively by increasing understanding, addressing pain points, building trust, engaging potential customers, and tailoring the demo to the target audience. This ultimately leads to increased conversions, customer satisfaction, and business growth.

Closing and Next Steps

After a successful product demo, the customer and product teams must align on the next steps. This closing phase ensures a smooth transition from the demo to the implementation stage. Here are some key considerations and actions that should be taken during this phase:

  1. Q&A and Feedback: Allow time for the customer team to ask any remaining questions and provide feedback on the demo. This is an opportunity to address any concerns or clarify any points that may have been unclear during the presentation. Encourage open and honest communication to ensure that all issues are fully addressed.
  2. Evaluation and Decision-Making: After the demo, the customer team will typically conduct an evaluation process to determine whether the product aligns with their needs and meets their criteria. This may involve comparing the product with other options in the market, gathering input from various stakeholders, and weighing the pros and cons. Provide any additional information or resources needed to support their evaluation process.
  3. Internal Alignment: In many cases, the customer team must gain alignment within their organization before purchasing. This may involve presenting the demo findings to key decision-makers, getting buy-in from different departments, or obtaining budget approvals. Offer assistance in preparing necessary materials, such as presentation decks or reports, to help the customer team effectively communicate the product’s value to their organization.
  4. Contract Negotiation: If the customer team decides to proceed with the product, the next step is typically contract negotiation. This involves discussing terms and conditions, pricing, licensing, and other contractual aspects. The product team needs to be responsive and flexible during this process, understanding that each customer’s needs may be unique. Work closely with the customer team and legal advisors to find mutually beneficial solutions that enable a successful partnership.
  5. Implementation Planning: Once the contract is finalized, it’s time to start planning for the actual implementation of the product. Collaborate with the customer team to assess their requirements, timelines, and resources. Identify key milestones and deliverables, and create an implementation plan that outlines the necessary steps and responsibilities. Provide guidance and support throughout the process to ensure a smooth and successful implementation.
  6. Training and Onboarding: As part of the implementation, providing training and onboarding support to the customer team is important. This may involve conducting training sessions, creating user guides or documentation, or providing access to online resources. Ensure the customer team has the knowledge and resources to effectively utilize the product and maximize its value.
  7. Ongoing Support and Relationship Building: The relationship with the customer team doesn’t end after the product is implemented. It’s important to continue providing ongoing support, addressing any issues or concerns that may arise, and staying engaged with the customer team. Regular check-ins, user group meetings, and proactive communication can help build a strong and long-lasting relationship.

In conclusion, the closing phase after a product demo is critical in the customer journey. It involves addressing questions and feedback, assisting with evaluation and decision-making processes, and guiding the customer team through contract negotiation, implementation planning, training, and ongoing support. By ensuring a smooth transition from the demo to the implementation stage, the product team can help the customer team successfully adopt and utilize the product, ultimately leading to customer satisfaction and success.


Product demos are crucial in helping customer teams make informed decisions and achieve their goals. By providing a hands-on product experience, demos offer a deeper understanding of its features, functionalities, and value proposition. They enable customer teams to assess how well the product aligns with their needs and requirements.

Here are some key takeaways from the importance of product demos for customer teams:

  1. Enhanced understanding: Product demos allow customer teams to see the product in action and comprehensively understand its capabilities. They can explore different features, workflows, and use cases, helping them visualize how the product can address their pain points and improve their processes.
  2. Evaluation of features: By showcasing the product’s features and functionalities, demos enable customer teams to assess whether it meets their specific requirements. They can interact with the product, test its capabilities, and evaluate its ease of use, scalability, and compatibility with their existing systems.
  3. Decision-making support: Product demos provide customer teams with the information they need to make well-informed decisions. By showcasing the product’s value proposition, benefits, and potential ROI, demos facilitate the evaluation of its potential impact on their business. This helps customer teams justify their decision to stakeholders and gain buy-in from decision-makers.
  4. Alignment with stakeholders: Demonstrating the product to key stakeholders within the customer team can help align expectations and set a common vision. By involving various team members in the demo process, customer teams ensure that everyone has a clear understanding and shared knowledge of the product. This alignment reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or disagreements during the implementation or adoption phase.
  5. Reduced risk: Product demos allow customer teams to mitigate potential risks associated with purchasing or implementing a new product. They can identify any issues or limitations early on and address them before committing to the solution. This reduces the chances of investing in a product that does not fully meet its requirements or fails to deliver the expected outcomes.

In conclusion, product demos are a valuable tool for customer teams to thoroughly evaluate and assess a product before making a purchase decision. They provide an opportunity to understand the product’s capabilities, align stakeholders, make informed decisions, and reduce implementation risks. By leveraging product demos effectively, customer teams can streamline their evaluation process and select the best-fit solution that aligns with their needs and goals.

In the realm of customer success, product demos play a critical role in ensuring client satisfaction and retention. A well-prepared product demo can demonstrate the full potential of your product and address any customer concerns or questions. With a guided tour software like Folio, customer success teams can provide personalized walkthroughs that help clients navigate your product with ease. Folio's interactive elements, such as tooltips and hotspots, facilitate a smooth onboarding experience, making clients feel confident and empowered.

Cover Photo by airfocus on Unsplash.

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