June 27, 2023

How to Create a Winning SEO Strategy for SaaS Startups to Drive Sales

How to Create a Winning SEO Strategy for SaaS Startups to Drive Sales

For SaaS startups, having a strong online presence is crucial for gaining new customers and driving sales. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by implementing a winning SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. However, developing a successful SEO strategy can be overwhelming, especially for those new to digital marketing.

Fortunately, with the right approach and tactics, creating an SEO strategy that boosts your website’s traffic and increases conversions and sales is possible. This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating a winning SEO strategy for SaaS startups.

Previously we've published a guide on GTM strategy for SaaS startups. In this article, we’ll cover everything from conducting keyword research and optimizing your website’s content to building high-quality backlinks and tracking your results. Whether you’re just starting or looking to improve your existing SEO efforts, this article will provide the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in the highly competitive SaaS industry.

Identify target keywords

Identifying relevant keywords and phrases related to your product and niche is the first step to a solid SEO strategy.

Start by brainstorming potential keywords and key phrases that relate to your SaaS startups:

  • Core features
  • Most popular pages
  • Functionality and goals

Do thorough keyword research using appropriate tools to compile an exhaustive keyword list. Evaluate each keyword based on the following:

  • High search volume - Target keywords with adequate monthly searches to generate traffic.
  • Low Competition - Aim for mid-to-long tail keywords with moderate difficulty.
  • Relevancy - Ensure the keywords accurately describe your product and pages.

Then cluster your keywords into different categories based on their relevance and difficulty. Prioritize target keywords closely related to your core product offering and goals while still being achievable.

Always update y our list periodically and test new keywords as your content strategy evolves. Maintain keyword spreadsheets to organize and prioritize your list effectively.

Optimize your SaaS website for those keywords.

After identifying crucial keywords, optimize your website and web pages to rank for those keywords.

First, choose appropriate page URLs that include relevant keywords. For example:

Next, optimize the webpage titles and meta descriptions for target keywords by including them naturally within the first 50-60 characters.

For example:

Then, optimize the webpage content by:

  • Using target keywords naturally and consistently throughout the copy
  • Using relevant keyword variations and synonyms
  • Including internal and external links to relevant, high-quality webpages
  • Adding useful images and media with appropriate alt text containing keywords
  • Dividing long pages into sections with meaningful headers and subheaders
  • Eliminating duplicate content and fixing any broken links.

Finally, incorporate your target keywords naturally into the following:

  • Website code
  • URL rewrites
  • Page titles
  • Heading tags
  • Anchor text in internal/external links

By optimizing your web pages and website for target keywords, you’ll improve your chances of ranking for those keywords and driving qualified traffic to your SaaS startup.

Create SEO-optimized, educational content.

In addition to optimizing your website, creating original, SEO-optimized content is crucial for driving organic traffic. Here are the steps to create effective SEO content for your SaaS startup:

Identify topic ideas related to your product and target keywords. Focus on creating useful, educational content like:

  • Product guides and tutorials
  • How-to articles
  • Case studies
  • Checklists and comparisons
  • Tool and feature explainers

Research your topic thoroughly to ensure the content is accurate, unique, and value-adding for readers. Leverage resources, case studies, and data from reliable sources.

Optimize the content for target keywords by:

  • Using the main keyword in the title
  • Including the keyword naturally in the first paragraph and throughout the copy
  • Employing relevant keyword variations and synonyms
  • Creating useful internal and external links.

Focus on a conversational, human tone to engage readers while keeping the copy concise and scannable. Use short paragraphs, subheadings, bulleted lists, and images wherever possible.

Publish the content on your website and distribution channels like blogs, social profiles, etc.

Update and expand the content periodically to keep it fresh and retain its value for customers and search engines. Regularly optimized, educational content can help boost your SEO efforts in the long run.

In summary, by creating original, SEO-optimized, and truly useful content for your target audience, you can steadily improve your Search Engine rankings and drive qualified traffic to your SaaS startup.

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Promote useful tools and calculators.

In addition to articles and guides, providing valuable tools and calculators on your website can boost SEO and attract potential customers for SaaS startups. Here are the steps:

Determine what type of tools would be most helpful for your audience.


Comparison tools

  • Budget calculators
  • Feature finders
  • Demo simulators

Research competitors to see what type of tools they offer. Identify any gaps you could fill.

Design and develop the tool to make it easy, accurate, and useful for users.

Optimize the tool page for relevant target keywords by:

  • Including the main keywords in the URL, title, and headings
  • Using the keywords naturally throughout the copy
  • Linking internally to related pages on your site

Promote the tool across your:

  • Website
  • Blog content
  • Social profiles

Encourage sharing by including social sharing buttons on the tool page.

Monitor traffic and usage data to see how people use the tool and where they come from.

Regularly update and improve the tool based on user feedback and market changes. For example, you could:

  • Add more features
  • Fix any issues
  • Expand the range of input/output options

By providing and promoting useful tools, you can help search engines see your SaaS site as an authority in your niche. The tool page can rank for important keywords to drive qualified traffic.

The key is to create tools that truly add value for your audience, optimize them for SEO and promote them consistently across your online channels.

This can be an effective SEO strategy to generate leads and sales for SaaS startups.

Engage with your community.

Another important element of an SEO strategy for SaaS startups is engaging with and contributing to your niche community. This can help boost your online visibility and credibility in organic search results. Here are the steps:

Identify relevant communities and forums where your target audience hangs out online. This could include:

  • Industry-specific subreddits and Quora spaces
  • Niche-related groups on LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Online forums and communities

Determine the best ways you can contribute value without overtly promoting your product. For example, you could:

  • Answer people’s questions based on your expertise
  • Recommend relevant tools and resources
  • Share useful data, insights, and case studies
  • Point out gaps in the community that your SaaS could fill

Actively participate in discussions, answer questions, and provide valuable input to the community in a humble, helpful manner. Over time, establish yourself as a thought leader and resource in your niche.

Partner with and interview influential people within that community. Feature them as guest authors on your blog or social profiles.

Host webinars, AMAs, and online events to provide more value and visibility for that community.

Track your progress by measuring metrics like:

  • Number of upvotes/likes your contributions receive
  • Number of people following or connecting with you from that community
  • Links and mentions of your startup from community members

Get community members to review and recommend your SaaS on relevant e-commerce and review sites.

As your contributions, visibility, and credibility within that niche community grow, you’ll also start to see benefits for your SEO efforts.

More community links, mentions, and endorsements can help boost your organic search rankings.

So, in summary, meaningful engagement with and contribution to relevant online communities should be an integral part of your SEO strategy as a SaaS startup - especially in the early stages.

Use social media as an SEO booster.

Leveraging social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram can significantly boost your SaaS startup’s SEO strategy. Here are the main ways social media can help:

Link Building: Social profiles with many followers act as high-authority sources of backlinks to your website. This can pass link equity and ranking boosts to your most important pages.

Traffic: Sharing your most useful content across social channels can drive organic traffic to your website from people clicking links in social posts and updates.

Visibility: The more people see, like, and share your social updates, the more often your brand and website appear in people’s feeds and searches. This improves your overall online visibility.

Credibility: Establishing an active social media presence for your SaaS startup signals professionalism and builds trust with potential customers researching you online.

Here are the steps to leverage social media effectively for SEO purposes:

Build followers and follow organically on relevant social platforms based on your niche and target audience.

Post and share a mix of useful content like:

  • Blog posts
  • Guides and tutorials
  • Tools and calculators
  • Infographics
  • Case studies

Include relevant hashtags to increase your visibility within related conversations and searches on each platform.

Optimize your profiles, bios, posts, and updates for target keywords to improve your chance of ranking within social searches.

Engage with followers by liking, commenting, and sharing their updates to build rapport and stronger relationships over time.

Monitor engagement analytics for each post to determine which types of content and hashtags resonate best with your audience.

Consistently post high-quality, valuable updates while maintaining an active presence on social media. The more influential your profiles and updates become, the bigger the SEO boost you’ll receive!

In summary, by leveraging social media channels strategically and organically focusing on value creation, SaaS startups can significantly boost their search rankings, traffic, and overall online visibility - helping drive more sales leads and customers over time.

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Build high-quality links

Building relevant, authoritative backlinks from high-quality websites remains one of the most effective SEO strategies for SaaS startups. Here are the steps to generate valuable links:

Identify sites in your niche with a large, targeted audience and high domain authority. These include:

  • Industry publications and blogs
  • eCommerce sites
  • Niche forums and communities
  • Relevant business directories

Create useful, shareable assets like:

  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Infographics
  • eBooks
  • Checklists

Reach out to sites in your niche with a personalized pitch, sharing how your asset could provide value to their readers. Focus on sites most relevant to your target keywords.

Offer to be interviewed as an industry expert or provide a guest post on topics related to your niche and expertise.

Participate in online communities and answer questions in a valuable manner. Over time, community members may naturally link to your site.

Create a media/press kit highlighting your SaaS startup’s impact, structure, team, etc. Reach out to industry publications pitching yourself as a source of information and expertise.

Get listed on business and SaaS directories relevant to your niche. These often provide valuable one-way links directly to your website.

Monitor links to your site regularly using tools like Ahrefs and Majestic. Analyze where links are coming from and their quality/authority.

Constantly create and share valuable, link-worthy assets while optimizing your outreach process based on what generates the most effective links. Over time, you’ll build a portfolio of high-quality links that boost your SaaS startup’s search rankings and organic traffic.

In summary, creating useful assets, participating in niche communities, getting covered in the media, and being listed on relevant directories are all effective ways for SaaS startups to generate high-quality, one-way links - helping improve their SEO strategy and driving more organic sales leads.

Monitor your SEO progress.

Monitoring your progress and success using relevant metrics and tools is critical to improving your SEO strategy. Here are the main things to track:

Keyword Rankings: Use tools like Google Search Console, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to track your keyword rankings for target keywords over time. Set benchmarks and aim for continual improvement.

Organic Traffic: Monitor organic traffic trends to your website from Google and other search engines. Again, set targets and work to surpass them each month.

Backlinks: Regularly audit the quantity, quality, and sources of links pointing to your site. Focus on building more high-authority, relevant backlinks over time.

Social Shares: Track how often people like, share, and engage with your social media posts. Optimize accordingly based on what resonates best.

Marketing Metrics: Measure lead generation, conversion rate, and sales to see if your SEO efforts translate to business results.

Content Performance: Analyze which types of content (e.g., blog posts, tools, infographics) generate the most traffic, links, and social shares. Double down on the strategies that work best.

Competitor Rankings: Keep tabs on how your SEO compares to competitors in your niche. Develop strategies to close any significant gaps.

Use tools like Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and social media analytics to gather the necessary data. Then plot all major metrics on a spreadsheet or dashboard to track progress.

Set measurable goals based on collected data and industry benchmarks for 6-12 months. Monitor continuously and adjust your strategy as needed. For example:

  • Optimize underperforming pages
  • Create more of the content that performs best
  • Add new tools or calculators
  • Focus link-building outreach on highest-value sites, etc.

By rigorously tracking and analyzing the right SEO metrics, you’ll gain a much deeper understanding of what’s working (and what’s not) in your strategy. This enables you to continually improve, optimize, and drive more organic traffic and sales for your SaaS startup.

So, in summary, setting goals, collecting data, analyzing metrics, and taking proper action based on insights should all become part of a regular SEO monitoring process for any SaaS startup looking to maximize results from their strategy.

Perform competitor research.

Researching and analyzing your competitors is essential to developing an effective SEO strategy for SaaS startups. Here are the main things to investigate:

Keyword Rankings: See which keywords your competitors rank for using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush. This reveals what they’re focusing their SEO efforts on.

Backlinks: Audit the quantity, quality, and sources of links pointing to your competitor’s websites. Identify gaps you could fill to generate more relevant links for your startup.

Content: Analyze the types, formats, and topics of content your competitors create. Determine if there are any angles or approaches you could leverage uniquely.

Tools & Calculators: Audit any useful tools or calculators offered by competitors. Identify opportunities to create your own better versions to attract customers.

Social Media: Investigate your competitors’ social media presence in terms of followers, engagement, and types of content shared. Determine what you could do differently to stand out.

Websites: Closely examine your competitors’ website structures, URL patterns, and on-page optimizations. Adapt and apply any effective strategies to your site.

Branding: Evaluate your competitors’ brand positioning, voices, tones, and visual styles. Identify ways you can carve a distinctive niche and capture underserved market segments.

Marketing: Analyze which marketing channels and tactics your competitors use most effectively. Consider testing and optimizing similar - or different - approaches for your startup.

Study industry leaders and smaller, newer competitors who are gaining ground quickly. Identify what unique edge or need they’re fulfilling to gain traction.

Always keep an eye on how your competitors are evolving by tracking major changes in their:

  • Key metrics (e.g., organic traffic)
  • Content strategy
  • Link building outreach
  • Website upgrades
  • Marketing tactics

Over time, you’ll gain valuable insights into what truly works and doesn’t within your niche. This allows you to constantly optimize and refine your SEO strategy for maximum impact.

In summary, research and analysis of your SaaS competitors should inform every step of your SEO process. The more you understand their approaches, strengths, and weaknesses, the better positioned your startup will become to outrank and outperform them over time.

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Continuously test and optimize

Constant testing, learning, and optimization are essential for any successful SEO strategy, especially for SaaS startups. Here are the main elements of a test-and-learn approach:

A/B Test Page Elements: Regularly, A/B tests elements like page titles, URLs, headings, and on-page copy to determine which performs best for target keywords. Optimize accordingly.

Test Content Formats: Try different types and formats of content to see which generates the most traffic, links, and social engagement. Double down on the winners.

Compare Landing Pages: A/B tests the effectiveness of landing pages designed for high-intent keywords to see which convert best. Improve underperforming pages based on insights.

Analyze Tool Performance: For any tools or calculators you create, analyze which features and options drive the most usage and sharing. Enhance your tools based on data.

Experiment with Links: Reach out to different sites to generate links using multiple strategies and assets. Determine which approaches yield the highest-quality, most relevant backlinks.

Iterate on Social Posts: Continually test hashtags, formats, timings, and visual styles for your social media updates. Track which performs best and optimizes.

Measure Key Metrics: Gather data on core metrics like organic traffic and rankings for tested pages to determine statistically significant improvements.

Collaborate with your team and customers to generate helpful ideas for tests and optimizations. Look to industry communities and experts for inspiration as well.

Once tests are complete, analyze the data, determine winners and losers, and optimize your overall strategy accordingly. Over time, the compounding impact of these improvements will be substantial.

The key is establishing a culture of continuous testing, learning, and optimization within your SaaS startup - challenging assumptions, trying new things, and promptly adapting strategies that prove most effective.

By adopting this kind of evidence-based, data-driven SEO approach, you’ll be able to quickly refine and refine your strategy over months and years - ultimately gaining a significant competitive advantage within your niche.

In summary, continuous testing, learning, and optimization should form the very foundation of any SEO strategy for SaaS startups. The right mix of small experiments and iterative improvements will help drive tremendous gains in traffic, leads, and sales over time.

FAQs on How to Create a Winning SEO Strategy for SaaS Startups to Drive Sales

Q: How to identify target keywords?

A: To identify target keywords, start by researching your target audience and understanding their needs. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush to find relevant keywords and analyze their search volume and competition. Look for long-tail keywords specific to your SaaS product and have lower competition.

Q: How to optimize your SaaS website for those keywords?

A: To optimize your SaaS website for target keywords, ensure they are included in your website’s titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content. Use internal linking to create a logical site structure and make it easy for search engines to understand your content. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, has a fast loading speed, and has a clear call-to-action.

Q: How to create SEO-optimized, educational content?

A: To create SEO-optimized, educational content, start by researching the topics your target audience is interested in. Use relevant keywords in your content’s titles, headers, and body. Use images and videos to make your content more engaging. Provide useful information and solutions to your audience’s problems. Ensure your content is well-structured and easy to read.

Q: How to promote useful tools and calculators?

A: To promote useful tools and calculators, create high-quality tools relevant to your SaaS product and your target audience’s needs. Optimize the tools’ titles, descriptions, and content with relevant keywords. Promote the tools on your website, social media platforms, and other relevant channels. Offer the tools free or as a trial to encourage users to try them out.

Q: How to engage with your community?

A: To engage with your community, create a social media presence and actively engage with your followers. Respond to comments and feedback, and ask for their opinions and suggestions. Create online communities, such as forums and groups, where your audience can connect and share their experiences. Offer customer support and address any issues or concerns promptly.

Q: How to use social media as an SEO booster?

A: To use social media as an SEO booster, optimize your social media profiles with relevant keywords. Share high-quality content on your social media platforms, such as blog posts and infographics. Encourage social sharing and engagement by adding social sharing buttons to your website and blog. Use social media to build relationships with influencers and other relevant websites to gain backlinks.

Q: How to build high-quality links?

A: To build high-quality links, create high-quality content relevant to your target audience. Use link-building tactics like broken link-building and guest blogging to gain backlinks from other relevant websites. Build relationships with influencers and other websites in your industry to gain backlinks. Avoid buying backlinks or using black hat SEO tactics, as these can harm your website’s reputation.

Q: How to monitor your SEO progress?

A: To monitor your SEO progress, use tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush to track your website’s traffic, rankings, and backlinks. Set up goals and conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your SEO strategy. Monitor your website’s loading speed, mobile-friendliness, and user engagement to ensure your website is performing well.

Q: How to perform competitor research?

A: To perform competitor research, identify your top competitors in the SaaS industry. Use tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to analyze their website’s traffic, rankings, and backlinks. Look for gaps in their SEO strategy, such as keywords they are not targeting or content they are not covering. Use this information to improve your SEO strategy and gain a competitive advantage.

Q: How to continuously test and optimize?

A: To continuously test and optimize your SEO strategy, set up A/B tests to compare different versions of your website or content. Use data from tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush to identify areas for improvement. Test and optimize your website’s titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content to improve your website’s rankings and user engagement. Keep track of your SEO progress and make adjustments as needed.


In conclusion, creating a winning SEO strategy for SaaS startups requires a holistic, comprehensive approach that incorporates all the elements discussed above:

• Identifying target keywords and optimizing your website and content for them
• Creating valuable, SEO-optimized content that educates and engages your audience
• Providing useful tools and calculators that people want to share
• Building relationships and contributing to relevant communities
• Leveraging social media channels to boost visibility, links, and traffic
• Generating high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative sources
• Tracking the right metrics to monitor progress and identify opportunities
• Researching and learning from competitors’ strategies and weaknesses
• Constantly testing, optimizing, and improving your approach based on data and insights

What works will vary for each business, so it’s crucial to establish a process of continuous experimentation, evaluation, and adaptation within your SEO process. With the right combination of on-page optimizations, content marketing, community building, social media, and link generation strategies, SaaS startups can gradually but significantly improve their organic search rankings, traffic, and leads - ultimately driving more sales and growth for your business.

Implementing a comprehensive yet flexible SEO strategy should be one of the priorities for any SaaS startup looking to succeed in an increasingly competitive market. The resources and strategies discussed in this summary can help get you started on the right foot.

Credit: Cover Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

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